North Carolina: Census 2020 Real-Time Response Rates – Week ending June 22 (.pdf)

  View All County-Level Response Rates – Week ending June 22

Key takeaways for biweekly period ending 6/22

  1. North Carolina falls one ranking to 34th out of 50 states and DC. As of June 22nd, 57.9% of households in NC have responded to the Census, compared to 61.6% of households nationwide. Its highest ranking to date was 33rd.
  2. Growth in Census responses continue to slow in June. From June 8th to June 22nd, the cumulative response rate grew less than one percentage point: 57% of NC households then vs. 57.9% of NC households now.
  3. Response rates are 60% or greater in 28 NC counties. In its top five counties – Union, Orange, Wake, Davie, and Chatham – response rates are greater than two in three households. Twenty-five additional counties have a response rate of at least three in five households.
  4. Response rate gap narrows slightly between the state and tracts with fewest young children. The average response rate was 55.8% in tracts where less than 4.1% of the population is ages 0-4 – 2.1 percentage points below the state. This represents the smallest gap since reporting began. Tracts with the highest share of young children (>7.2%) also lag slightly behind the state: 56.3% vs 57.9%.
  5. Tracts with the fewest foreign-born residents continue to lag behind the state. As of June 22nd, the response rate gap was 3.8 percentage points – 54.1% for tracts with a population of <2.9% foreign-born residents vs. 57.9% statewide.
  6. Response rate gap remains the same for the state and majority non-White tracts. An average of 51.2% of households responded in tracts where the majority of residents are American Indian, Asian, Black or Hispanic/Latinx – 6.7 percentage points below the state. This gap has persisted since June 8th.
  7. Over two-thirds of households have responded in high internet access areas compared to half in low internet access areas. An average of 49.9% of households have responded in low internet access areas – 16.4 percentage points below the average for high-access areas (66.3%).

Last updated: 6.23.20

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