North Carolina: Census 2020 Real-Time Response Rates – Week ending August 18 (.pdf)

  View All County-Level Response Rates – Week ending August 18

  1. Approximately three in five NC households have responded to the Census. As of August 18th, 59.8% of households have responded in North Carolina. Meanwhile, the national self-response rate is now 63.9% – 4.1 percentage points above North Carolina.
  2. Only 11 counties have exceeded their 2010 self-response rate. These are: Camden County, Chatham County, Cherokee County, Davie County, Gates County, Graham County, Haywood County, Henderson County, Montgomery County, Polk County, and Yancey County.
  3. At least 50% of households have responded in over three-fourths of all NC counties. In total, 76 counties out of 100 have a response rate of 50% or higher.
  4. Response rate gap slightly widens between tracts with fewest young children and state average. An average of 57.5% of households responded to the Census in tracts with the fewest young children (less than 4.1% of the population) – 2.3 percentage points below the state. This gap was static at 2.1 percentage points for several months, but appears to be slowly widening.
  5. Tracts with the fewest foreign-born residents still lag behind the state. In tracts where less than 2.9% of the population is foreign-born, an average of 55.7% of households have responded (4.1 percentage points below the state). For this target group, this is the only category which lags behind the state.
  6. Gap shrinking between state and tracts with >50% minority population. As of August 18th, 53.3% of households had responded in tracts where over 50% of the population is Black, Hispanic, American Indian, and/or Asian. This represents a gap of 6.5 percentage points, which has trended downward for the last month.
  7. Tracts with high internet access substantially outperform the state. In tracts where fewer than 12% of households lacked access to internet, an average of 68.5% of households have responded to the Census. This is 8.7 percentage points above the state.

Last updated: 8.20.20

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